The Impact of a Leaking AC Duct

At GMC, we want you to understand how the air ducts in your home affect your air quality, comfort, health, utility costs and the environment. Since the energy crisis of the 1970s, scientists, researchers, industry and government agencies have been investigating ways to save energy and make products “green.” Great strides have been made in making appliances such as air conditioning units more energy-efficient, but forced air distribution systems, or “air duct systems,” have been mostly overlooked until recently. Outdated designs can result in wasted energy and poor air quality.

How to Identify Duct Leaks in an Air Duct System

Finding air leaks in a closed air duct system is a simple process, although it does require some specialized equipment. To locate these leaks, you should start by turning on the blower door to depressurize the system down to a reference point near zero. From there, you can use a pressure pan to take a reading at each register or grill. These readings should read close to zero and any anomalies can indicate an air leak in the ducting. A qualified AC technician will have the proper equipment and experience to run this test for you.

The Consequences of Duct Leaks

Nationwide air duct system testing has been conducted over the last decade, and here is what you should know:

  • Air duct system leaks waste 15% of ALL power generated in Florida.
  • Air duct leaks increase cooling costs by an average of 23%.
  • Leaks in air duct systems increase heating costs by an average of 37%.
  • The average air duct leak in Florida is 348 CFM50.
  • The average reduction in residential cooling costs by properly sealing air ducts is 17%.

Because of these compelling facts, we believe all of our customers should have their air duct system tested and properly sealed. Call today in order to schedule an appointment air duct repair at 954-973-5980. You will save money and be more comfortable!
